An unforgettable wedding night


The Hoher Darsberg is in many ways an excellent location to celebrate your wedding.

Especially a party into the early morning hours is a carefree affair. Our wedding location is located in a 25000 sqm forest and meadow landscape and therefore you are completely undisturbed. How you would like to arrange the evening musically is up to you. Whether band or DJ, all technical requirements are given. You can dance on the covered terrace, which can be heated on colder days, in the direct vicinity of the bar, which is equipped with a large assortment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. By the way, you can take a break for a while not only on our comfortable lounge furniture or even during a little walk on the surrounding area, but also in the in-house photo box. Your guests will surely leave you funny and unforgettable memories in digital form. All pictures are prepared by us before breakfast in the form of a slide show and shown during the breakfast buffet.

Our insider tip – for your wedding party
Say goodbye to your first guests and you have reached a small number of guests, then the optimal time is to animate the celebration with a futuristic highlight. The After-Hour-Room awaits you in the vaulted cellar of our wedding location – absolute privacy is offered here. Without service personnel you can enjoy the last late hours of your wedding party in the closest circle – and you can really turn on again here.


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